While some journals may publish datasets, the most common way of sharing data is to deposit it in an online repository. Many disciplines have well established data repositories. For instance, ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) is a widely used data repository for researchers in the social and behavioral sciences. There is no cost to depositing data in ICPSR, and their website provides detailed instructions for preparing your data for deposit.
The Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data.org) maintains a searchable database of data repositories that can be browsed by subject, content type, or country.
Datasets can also be deposited and shared via WVU's Research Repository.
However, please be aware that the Research Repository @WVU is not suggested by the WVU Libraries for sharing data resulting from NIH, or other federally funded research. The Research Repository @WVU can only be used for data and/or documentation in limited situations. Do NOT include the Research Repository @WVU in your DMSP unless you have contacted researchrepository@mail.wvu.edu and discussed whether the repository can accept your data.