Modifying a Style to Create an Annotated Bibliography
- From the Tools menu, select Output Styles, and then select Open Style Manager.
- Select the style of your choice, and then click the Edit button to open the style for editing.
- Select Layout from the options under the Bibliography heading and click in the text box under the "End each reference with" heading. Text or fields inserted into this section appear at the end of each reference in the bibliography.
- To insert the research notes on a new line after each reference: select End of Paragraph from the Insert Field list. This will ensure the contents of the Research Notes field will appear on a new line beneath the bibliographic data.
- There are options available for quick insertion on the Insert Field list, including the Abstract and Notes fields, but the Research Notes field we need is not on the list. The field can still be added by typing it in manually, being very careful the name is entered exactly as it shows in the Generic reference type. In this case, "Research Notes" without the quotation marks.
- (Optional) If you want an extra line break after the Research Notes, you can use the Insert Field list to add it at the end of the End each reference with text box.
- From the File menu, select Save As and give the style a new name, but keep the .ens extension. Your new style will be saved in an \\EndNote\Styles folder in your documents folder. By storing your custom styles in your documents folder, EndNote ensures they will not be removed if you uninstall EndNote or install a new version of EndNote that might overwrite the program styles.