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Policy and Legislative Resources | Federal

This guide is designed to provide guidance on Federal Legislative resources.

Government Accountability Office | GAO

GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. GAO’s work is done at the request of congressional committees or subcommittees or as directed by public laws or committee reports. GAO's products include reports, testimonies, correspondence, and legal decisions and opinions. GAO also produces special publications to assist Congress and executive branch agencies by recommending corrections to problems in government programs and operations, identifying longterm trends, and examining the nation’s fiscal health.

Congressional Budget Office | CBO

CBO produces independent analyses of budgetary and economic issues to support the congressional budget process, including reports, projections, cost estimates, scorekeeping, sequestration reports, budget options, and others. CBO does not make policy recommendations.

Congressional Research Service | CRS

CRS provides comprehensive research and analysis on all legislative and oversight issues of interest to Congress. CRS assists Members and staff with identifying and clarifying policy options; analyzing the implications of proposed policies; and assessing policy, procedural, and oversight options. Acting as a research extension to the staff of each Member and committee, CRS provides consultations, confidential memoranda, reports, briefing documents, videos, advice on process and procedures, expert committee testimony, and seminars.