Descriptions of the committee's charge and acting members
Schedule combines announcements about future House and Senate committee meetings and hearings for the selected week.
Committee hearings are a method by which committee members gather information to inform committee business. Business dealt with by hearings may be broadly classified into four types: legislative, oversight, investigative, and consideration of presidential nominations.
Committee reports are one set of documents among the variety of document types produced by House and Senate committees that address legislative and other policy issues, investigations, and internal committee matters. Committee reports usually are one of these types: reports that accompany a legislative measure when it is reported for chamber action, reports resulting from oversight or investigative activities, reports of conference committees, and committee activity reports published at the conclusion of a Congress.
Congressional Committee Prints are publications issued by Congressional Committees that include topics related to their legislative or research activities, as well as other matters such as memorial tributes. The prints are an excellent resource for statistical and historical information, and for legislative analysis. The subjects of the Committee Prints vary greatly due to the different concerns and actions of each committee. Some basic categories of Congressional Committee Prints are: draft reports and bills, directories, statistical materials, investigative reports, historical reports, situational studies, confidential staff reports, hearings, and legislative analyses.