GNU-General Public License 3 (GNU-GPLv3) is a copyleft software license developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and released in June of 2007. One of the reasons that FSF released GPLv3, is an attempt to clarify what constitutions a "work based on another work" which triggers the licenses copyleft obligations to share the new software under the terms of the GPLv3 license.
FSF also increased compatibility between the GPLv3 and other licenses. This was important because in order to combine two codes into a larger work, both programs must permit that combination.
The GPLv3 has been designed to permit increased usage outside of the United States. The License terms were rewritten to attempt to ensure that international laws will interpret the license as FSF intends. GPLv3 also permits developers to add local disclaimers to account for variations in national copyright laws.