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Nexis Uni provides current state and federal cases, statutes, regulations, and constitutions. Nexis Uni adds key editorial content including case law "headnotes" that summarize points of law in each case and statutory "annotations" that list citing cases and citing secondary legal authorities for each statute, such as citing law review articles. Nexis Uni also provides Shepard's "citator" treatment for each law which is tool that provides information on the law's validity. View the instructions below for accessing legal content such as case law on Nexis Uni.
HeinOnline provides historical statutes and regulations and other legal content such as international law.
To locate legal content on Nexis Uni, select "All Available Dates" and "Content Types" ⇒ "Legal."
Select cases, statutes, or regulations. The user here selects "US" under "Cases."
Select a state or federal jurisdiction. The user here selects "West Virginia."
Conduct a natural language or boolean search. The user here searches for "false imprisonment."
Select a relevant case on the results screen. The user here selects "Belcher v. Wal-Mart Stores."
View the case. Nexis Uni provides editorial content such as case law "headnotes" that summarize points of law in the case. Nexis Uni also provides Shepard's "citator" treatment, which is a tool on the right-hand side of the page that provides information on the case's validity.
This page covers select free online resources providing access to state and federal law. See the Law Library's guide "West Virginia Law and Federal Law Online" for more in-depth treatment on this topic.
Google Scholar Case Law provides federal and state case law. View the instructions below for accessing case law on Google Scholar.
Harvard's CaseLaw Access Project provides federal and state case law.
Government judiciary websites make available federal case law and state case law by jurisdiction.
U.S. Government Publishing Office's GovInfo page provides federal statutes ("United States Code"), regulations ("Code of Federal Regulations"), case law, and the national constitution.
Cornell Legal Information Institute's State Jurisdiction page provides links to government websites from all 50 states that make available state statutes, regulations, cases, and constitutions.
West Virginia Government Websites
West Virginia government websites make available West Virginia statutes ("West Virginia Code"), West Virginia regulations ("West Virginia Code of State Rules"), cases, and the West Virginia Constitution.
To locate cases on Google Scholar, select "Case Law" on the main page. The user can search across all cases or select specific jurisdictions. The user here clicks "Select Courts" to choose a specific jurisdiction.
Select a state or federal jurisdiction. The user here selects "West Virginia" and then clicks "Done."
Conduct a natural language or boolean search. The user here searches for "false imprisonment."
Select a relevant case on the results screen. The user here selects "Riffe v. Armstrong"
View the case.