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Legal Research at WVU: Libraries Resource Guide


Use the tabs below to locate legislative history documents through either WVU Libraries databases or free online resources.

ProQuest Congressional

ProQuest Congressional provides access to the largest collection of current and historical federal legislative history documents including bills, committee reports, the Congressional Record, hearings, committee prints, and Presidential Signing Statements. 


ProQuest Legislative Insight 

ProQuest Legislative Insight provides thoroughly researched compilations of federal legislative histories including all document types.


U.S. Federal Legislative History Library

HeinOnline's U.S. Federal Legislative History Library provides fully compiled legislative histories of major federal acts. To access this resource, select "U.S. Federal Legislative History Library" on the home page. 

Library of Congress's page provides free public access to key federal legislative history documents from the prior several decades including bills, committee reports, and the Congressional Record. 

U.S. Government Publishing Office's page provides free public access to key federal legislative history documents from the prior several decades including bills, the Congressional Record, and Presidential Signing Statements.


Legal Information Institute 

Cornell Legal Information Institute's State Jurisdiction page provides links to official government websites from all 50 states that may provide limited legislative history materials such as bills and committee reports. Select a state and then browse for state legislative websites under "Constitution and Legislation."


West Virginia Legislature Website

The West Virginia Legislature's Bill Status page provides limited West Virginia legislative history materials such as bills and select committee reports from the prior several decades.