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Geography 102 Section 001

Library resources for finding current periodical and newspaper articles.

Importance of Citing Properly

Two Reasons to Cite Properly

1.  Avoid plagiarism.  Give proper credit/attribution to someone else's ideas.

2.  Give your reader enough information and accurate information to enable location of what you have cited.

Citation Style Guides

Creating Links for Off-Campus Access

To share article links with classmates, be sure to begin each link with the library proxy address below.

Add the entire article link to this url:

This will ensure that off-campus access works correctly. 

Here is an example from America's News.  Notice that the full url for the resource must follow the = sign, including the http://.

Create Links from the New York Times Digital Edition

For the New York Times, use the Share button and look for the "Permalink."

Create Links from the Wall Street Journal

For Wall Street Journal articles, choose "Cite" and change the style to "APA 6th Edition."  The correct url will display in the citation.

Create Links from America's News

Choose Cite" link and then  "APA Citation." The correct URL will display at the end of the citation, across the top of results list.  

Create Links from Lexis Nexis

Nexis Uni does not have a citation tool.  It will allow sharing via Google Drive or sending via email.  tools are very small icons at the top of the results screen or the individual article screen.