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EBSCO Discovery Services (EDS) | Getting Started

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)

Organizing and Storing Resources

Creating an account with EBSCO Discovery Service allows you to collect and organize the items you find in EDS, bookmark individual resources, re-run previous searches, and recall previously viewed items.

Create an Account


Create an account

Click on the icon in the right hand corner to create your own MyEBSCO account. This account is linked to your WVU credentials. You can also modify your account settings by clicking on the icon. Once your account is created you can also use the icon to sign in.

My Dashboard


my dashboard

The MY DASHBOARD section of left-hand navigation menu allows you to access your personalized resources. PROJECTS allows you to collect and organize the items you find in EDS, you can also view items that you have SAVED (results & searches), RECENT ACTIVITY (searches run & records viewed), and ALERTS (search & journal alerts you have previously created)

Note: to see all these options, you must be logged in with your WVU credentials.




Create a new project

Create a new PROJECT by clicking on the ICON. You can name the project, give it a due date (optional), and give it a description (optional).


Add a resource

Add a resource to your project by clicking on the ICON on the results page or item's record. You can add searches, saved items, and previously viewed items in the same way.

Saved Items and Searches


saved items

Bookmark items and searches in EDS using the Save icon. These liked items and searches will then be added to an unordered list that can be accessed at any point. Click on the Save icon again to remove the item or search from your list.

Select Multiple


select multiple

Select multiple results using the checkbox icon. Choose to select all results on this page or up to fifty to download metadata, save, share, or cite.