When logged in properly, users will see some form of branding or text that tells them that access is provided by WVU. There are some resources that do not have this branding.
Another way to tell if you are authenticated through WVU is by the proxy string in the URL. Example URL: https://www-tandfonline-com.wvu.idm.oclc.org/loi/rard20
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see the WVU Libraries logo in the top right.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see our WVU Libraries logo at the top of our JSTOR products.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see "Access provided by West Virginia University Libraries" in the top center of our ProQuest products. You will also see our WVU Libraries logo farther down on the page.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see "access provided by WVU Libraries" in the top right of the page.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see "Access provided by West Virginia University Library" in the top right corner.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see the WVU Libraries logo
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see "This resource is provided to you by West Virginia University" at the top of the page
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see the WVU Libraries logo in the top right.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see the WVU Libraries logo and "Access provided by West Virginia University" at the top of the page.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see the WVU Libraries logo at the top of the page.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see the WVU Libraries logo in the top right.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see see the WVU Libraries logo news the top left and in the bottom right.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see "Access provided by WVU Libraries" in the top left corner.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see "Network access provided by West Virginia University Libraries" near the top left.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see the WVU Libraries logo at the top of the page.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see "Access provided by West Virginia University Libraries" and the WVU Libraries logo at the top of the page.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see "site license access provided by West Virginia University" in the top left.
If logged in and proxied properly, users will see the WVU Libraries logo at the top.