Apparently small events which are often ephemeral and hard-to-prove, events which are covert, often unintentional, frequently unrecognized by the perpetrator, which occur wherever people are perceived to be different (*Rowe)
Apparently small acts, which are often ephemeral and hard-to-see, events that are public and private, often unconscious but very effective, which occur wherever people wish to help others to succeed (*Rowe)
Indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group
Overt and deliberate, but do not intend to offend
Unintentional discriminatory messages to members of target groups
Using techniques, often in the moment, like requesting clarification, pretending not to understand, or challenging a stereotype
Verbal statements that deny, negate or undermine the realities of members of various target groups
* Rowe, Mary. Micro-affirmations & Micro-inequities. Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, Volume 1, Number 1, March 2008