Bersin, Josh. "The Geeks Arrive In HR: People Analytics Is Here." Forbes, 1 February 2015,
WebMD. Healthy Cats, 2005-2016,
cdd4602. Comment on "Yak & Yeti American Kobe Beef Hot Dog and Cheeseburger Review." EasyWDW, 20 July 2016, 11:03 am,
"REVIEW: New Menu Effectively Ruins 'The Plaza Restaurant' at the Magic Kingdom." WDW News Today, 26 July 2016,
Walker, Brian. "Bela Lugosi (1882-1956)." Brian's Drive-In Theater, 10 June 2002. WordPress.
"Handwritten Letter from Presley to Nixon, Undated." The Nixon-Presley Meeting: 21 December 1970. National Security Archive.
An author is "the person or group primarily responsible for producing the work" (MLA Citation Style Guide 22). An author can be a person, persons, or an organization who created the work that you are citing.
For websites:
The next element in your citation is the title of your source. Make sure that you use standardized capitalization, that is capitalize most of the words in the title. Don't worry about articles (The, A, An) or prepositions (in, on, of, . . . ).
Format titles appropriately with either quotation marks or italics. A title is placed in quotation marks if it is part of a larger work; a title is placed in italics if it is self-contained and a separate. For example, place quotation marks around a poem or short story and italicize the title of the collection itself.
In MLA Citation Style, a container is considered to be "a larger whole . . . that holds a source" (30). It is a larger source that contains smaller works.
For web sources, these would be websites which contain articles or individual posts.
The "Other Contributor" field is where you put people who helped contribute to the source, but not the author or authors. This field for is for editors, translators, illustrators, performers, and the like. See the MLA Citation Guide page 37 for other examples.
If the source you are citing exists in multiple versions, include the version that you are using in this field. The most common example of different versions are different editions of books. A film may have two versions: a release cut and a director's cut. Software also is published in different versions. Most websites will not have multiple versions, but check to be certain.
Sources may be part of a numbered series, like issues of journals, graphic novels, or episodes of TV shows. Some journals are numbered by volume and issue number.
Most websites are not part of a numbered series, but check to make certain. If you are citing a web source that is numbered, check closely; it might be an online newspaper, magazine, or periodical.
A publisher is an organization responsible for making the source available to the public.
Finding publishers
Omit publisher from the following types of sources:
When citing a source with more than one publication date, cite the date that is "most relevant to your use of the source" (42).
Use the date that web content was posted.
If there is no date found on the website, use the date that you accessed it.
Location is defined by the type of source you are citing. For example, if you are using a print source, location refers to text's page numbers.
For a website, use the URL / web address.