Use these guidelines when determining the reliability of a webpage for research.
1) What type of site is it? It’s helpful to know where the authors are coming from:
- Popular (slick, 2nd or 3rd hand information; main purpose to entertain or promote a viewpoint
- Substantive News or General Interest (general info, appealing to broad audience)
- Scholarly (author is credible; bibliography present; language academic/technical)
- Sensational (language is elementary, inflammatory, or sensational)
2) Authority with regard to topic—who is responsible for the site?
- Author of site (individual/institutional affiliation, organization)
- Credentials, expertise, experience in subject matter
- Contact information provided (name, e-mail, postal address)
- URL type may suggest reputable affiliation or commercial interests (.edu=educational institution; .org=non-profit organization; .com=commercial enterprise; .net=Internet Service Provider; .gov=governmental body; .mil=military)
- When in doubt about sponsorship, look up the site on
3) Objectivity—what is the purpose of the site? Does it push any particular viewpoint?
- Check the statement of purpose/scope, and disclosure of sponsorship (look for “about us”), in addition to any “hidden” biases evident through your critical reading of text, or independent research done on the organization or author.
- Who is the intended audience?
- Information presented as factual or opinion, primary or secondary in origin?
- Criteria given for inclusion of information?
4) Accuracy—how accurate is the information?
- Facts documented or well-researched
- Facts compare to related print or other online sources
- Links provided to quality Web resources
5) Currency—when was the information posted and/or written?
- Evidence of current content
- Pages date-stamped with latest update
6) Usability—is the site well designed and stable?
- Site organization logical and easy to maneuver with links back to home page
- Content readable by intended audience
- Information presented is error-free (spelling, punctuation)
Adapted from: “Criteria for Evaluating Web Resources”. Kent State University Libraries and “Introduction to Research–Evaluating resources”. Cornell University Library