This guide was created as a portal to help Instructional Design and Technology students to locate appropriate materials and sources for research.
If you are unsure where to begin---start by "Asking a Librarian". Use the Ask -A - Librarian widget on this page for help; OR you can text message ( SMS: TXT your question to 304-220-0919 ); OR call the Downtown Library: (304) 293-3640 - Evansdale Library: (304) 293-4695 - Health Sciences Library: (304) 293-6810, OR come to the Research Services Desks located @ the aforementioned libraries. You can also contact me directly, using the profile box or IM me using the embedded widget.
Here are a few pictures of the newly renovated Evansdale Library 2nd floor. More changes will occur Summer 2014. We will renovate the ground floor and add a coffee shop. Please come and see the changes!!