General Form: Print
Last-name, First-name. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper. Day Month Year: Pages. Format.
Kafka, Frank. “Great Restaurants in Morgantown.” The Dominion Post. 14 July 2003: B3. Print.
General Form: Website
Last-name, First-name. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper. Publisher or sponsor of site. Day Month Year Published. Web. Day Month Year Accessed.
Blakeslee, Sandra. “A Pregnant Mother’s Diet May Turn the Genes Around.” New York Times. New York Times. 7 Oct. 2003. Web. 16 Apr. 2004.
General Form: Database
Last-name, First-name. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper. Day Month Year: Pages. Name of Database. Web. Day Month Year of access.
Dowd, Maureen. “Washington’s Bad Boy Club.” Washington Post. 7 Oct. 2003, late ed. F1, 2. LexisNexis. Web. 16 Apr. 2004.