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Dentistry & Dental Hygiene

Starting point for your research in Dentistry and Dental Hygiene. Use this guide to locate resources for your field of study.

Library Homepage Guided Tour

screenshot of the WVU Libraries homepage. Arrow pointing to quick links at the top says "Ash questions, find your guide and others, & reserve a room"; an oval bubble pointing to the All button with text "Your one stop shop, like Google"; rounded rectangle box with text "get to a specific database, like PubMed, or ClinicalKey"; box with arrow point to Course Reserves section with text "Find reserved textbooks for your classes"; thought bubble coming from Research Commons section with text "Attend a workshop & better your research skills!"

Getting Full Text Articles

The library provides a number of ways to get materials you need to enhance your research. These are just a few but the ones used most often.

Find IT @ WVU Libraries. You get it free for being with WVU.

Find It at WVU Libraries icon

Can't access the article you need?

Order through InterLibrary Loan aka Illiad aka ILL.

It's free, just be sure to download your article to access after 30 days.

 interlibrary loan logo

Libkey Nomad is an extension tool that searches the entire WVU catalog to check if it's available.

Unpaywall is an extension tool that searches the web for a free and legal open access version of the article.

unpaywall icon