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Starting point for your research in Psychology. Use this guide to locate resources for your field of study.

How to find copies of unpublished tests

Locating a copy of a specific unpublished test or measure can be tricky. Some have been appended to journal articles or printed in compilation books.  Others must be requested from the author(s).  The following are some steps you can take to locate them:

Step 1: Check the journal databases

You can find the full-text of some tests and measures by using the advanced search in PsycINFO. Watch the video below to learn how:

Step 2: Look in a compilation book

Some unpublished instruments have been printed in compilation books.  I have listed two of the most comprehensive below.  You may try browsing the books' table of contents for the test you need –OR, you may search:

Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences: Tests available in compilation volumes, an index which allows you to search for a test in over 120 compilation books. Created by Librarian Helen Hough at UT Arlington. (thanks Helen!)

Search WorldCat for the title of the book.  If WVU Libraries do not own the book, it can be ordered using Illiad.

Step 3: Check the author’s dissertation

If the test was part of the author's PhD or MS research, a copy of it may be found in her or his thesis. Search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses for the author's name and degree- granting institution and/or subject. If the full text of the thesis is not online it can be ordered using inter-library loan.

Step 4: Contact the author

If you were not able to find a copy of the instrument using the above methods you may need to contact the author to request a copy.

Also, if you would like to use an instrument for your own original research, APA guidelines state that you should secure permission from the author and/or copyright holder.

Most journal articles will list contact information for the authors. Most professional groups such as the APA also have directories on their websites. 

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Catherine Fonseca