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Prep to Practice 2023 - Ace Your Summer Job


Researching legislative histories is a challenging task, often because it is not a research project we take on every day, every week, or even every year! This session will discuss a six-step approach to legislative history research to simplify the process and make these types of projects more manageable.

Downloadable materials and links mentioned during this session: 

ProQuest Legislative Insight 

ProQuest Legislative Insight provides thoroughly researched compilations of federal legislative histories.


ProQuest Congressional 

ProQuest Congressional provides access to historical federal legislative history documents including bills, committee reports, and hearing transcripts.


HeinOnline - U.S. Federal Legislative History Library 

HeinOnline's U.S. Federal Legislative History Library provides fully compiled legislative histories of major federal acts.


Westlaw - Legislative History 

Westlaw provides access to key federal legislative history and select state legislative history resources. provides free public access to key federal legislative history resources from the past several decades.