Explore and find data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau by topic, census profiles, NACIS, mapping, and tables.
Type in the name of the geographic region you want to get a profile on.
Type in the name of the geographic region you want to get a profile on.
Click on the Table ID to access the data that the variable derived from.
Right click on the chart to save the variable as an image or use the view options to embed the variable in a PowerPoint or on a website.
Search for tables based on the type of data you are looking for.
Type the Table ID into the first box. For example, if you are looking for the Data Profile (DP) of Foreign Born respondents (05), you would type in DP05.
Choose the table you are looking for. You can also search tables by keyword which will allow you to see a longer list here. Searching by ID gives you a more precise search to find a specific table.
You can limit your search by geography, year, type of survey, or code here.
You can then use the Browse Filters to add on additional criteria.
When you have narrowed down you filters and criteria you can click on the table to access the data.
You can change the year for the survey and the type of survey here.
Use the navigation menu to customize your table. When you ready used the download or excel buttons to export the table.