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Statler Graduate Students

Statler Graduate Student Libguide



  1. A scientist submits an article to a journal for publishing.

  2. The journals assigns 2-3 specialists in the field to review the article. These peer-reviews examine the article to make sure it is worth publishing based on.

    • Was the experiment designed and conducted well

    • Was the data analyzed correctly

    • Were the conclusions reached justified by the data

    • Is the article important and innovative

  3. The reviewers decide whether the articles should be published, not published or resubmitted after revisions.

  4. If the article is published it is considered peer-reviewed.

Review Articles

Original Research Article

  • Can also be referred to as primary research article.

  • Author usually works for an academic or research institution and submits paper to the publisher.

  • Articles go through peer-review.

  • Formal written record of the scientific process that report on scientist's work.

  • Discusses methods of research, including how the experiment was run.

  • Offers analysis of the results.

  • Cites relevant papers that relate to the research

Original Research Articles

Review Article

  • Articles go through peer-review.

  • Author usually works for an academic or research institution and submits paper to the publisher.

  • Does not perform original research.

  • Reports on the current state of research in a particular field.

  • Cites appropriate literature that connects various research in the field.

  • Synthesizes and summarizes the work of a particular field or sub-field. Therefore, does not report any new results.

  • Good for finding background information on a particular field or sub-field and often have a useful and dense works cited page.

News Articles

News Articles

  • Articles do not go through peer-review.

  • Author is hired by the publisher.

  • Does not perform original research.

  • May refer to other articles and research but does not necessarily have to cite those articles.

  • Good for finding key studies, experts, trends, and getting background information on a field.