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eReserves and Reserves

Adding Materials to Reserve

With Course Reserves, the Libraries are able to make most, if not all, class materials available online for students. Some of the materials you can make available online are:

  • Articles and Book Chapters
    • Links to ejournal articles
    • Articles and chapters scanned from print journals or books and uploaded to the web
      • These may have some limitations due to copyright but we will work with faculty to make as much as possible available for the class
  • eBooks
    • When available, we can purchase with multiple-use access
  • Videos
    • We can try to license films that you need for your class
    • Under certain conditions, we can digitize films or film clips
      • These may have some limitations due to copyright but we will work with faculty to make as much as possible available for the class
  • Questions?  Contact


Faculty: understanding the status of your eReserves request

Requests move through reserve processing in status queues  that show requests at various stages in the workflow. 
Here are the common status queues, in alphabetical order:

  • Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment:  Materials for which a purchase request has been sent to the Libraries' Acquisitions unit
  • Awaiting Acquisitions Notification:  Materials which may be purchased but for which additional research is needed first
  • Awaiting ILL Processing:  Materials for which a request has been submitted to Interlibrary Loan
  • Awaiting Purchase:  Purchase requests initiated by faculty needing library liaisons review before purchase
  • Awaiting Recall Processing:  Materials that are checked out and for which a recall is needed
  • Awaiting Reserves Processing:  This is the first step; new item requests awaiting staff processing
  • Awaiting Review by Staff:  Electronic items submitted by faculty that have to be reviewed by staff before they are made available to the course students
  • Awaiting Scanning:  Materials that need to be scanned
  • Awaiting Stacks Searching:  Materials that need to be retrieved from the Library stacks
  • Awaiting Supply by Instructor:  Materials that will be provided by the instructor
  • In Recall Processing:  Materials for which a recall has been sent
  • In Stacks Searching:  Materials which staff are actively retrieving from the stacks.  Once the items are found or not found, they will be made available or cancelled
  • Item Activation Pending:  Materials that have been processed but the semester for which they are designated has not yet begun
  • Item Available at Reserve Desk:  Physical items that are currently available to the student
  • Item Available on Electronic Reserves:  Materials that are currently available to the student in the student’s web account in Ares
  • Item Cancelled by Instructor:  Requests that were cancelled by the instructor. 
  • Item Cancelled by Staff:  Requests that were cancelled by staff. 
  • Item Removed From Reserves:  Contains item requests that belong to past semesters.