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Scholarly Communications at WVU Law


Disseminating Scholarship

The Law Library's scholarly communications program supports the dissemination of the scholarly work product of the College of Law faculty as widely as possible according to the needs and preferences of the faculty member. 

The Law Library is available to manage profiles and dissemination of scholarship on your behalf on the following platforms: SSRN, HeinOnline, and in our Digital Commons institutional repository.  The Law Library provides advice and support if you wish to also develop and maintain profiles on Google Scholar and ORCiD.

Details about each platform may be found below.  Please direct questions to Stephanie Miller at


Share your latest publications, speaking engagements, conference presentations, or other scholarly activity with us at

Maximizing Discoverability

Consider strategies to maximize the discoverability of your scholarship online such as: 

  • Draft titles to be search engine optimized

  • Include an abstract

  • Include a table of contents 

  • Complete metadata within PDF and Word files

Consult the checklist below for more details. 


SSRN logo

The law library advises and supports law faculty members on posting to SSRN and other subject and commercial repositories.  On behalf the law faculty, the law library will post scholarship to SSRN, request permission to post from publishers as necessary, and produce the West Virginia University College of Law Research Paper Series

Submit to SSRN using our proprietary URL to automatically affiliate your submission with our institutional account:


The law school contributes to Research Repository @ WVU, the university’s Digital Commons institutional repository. Research Repository @ WVU is an open-access digital repository for the collection, management, preservation, and dissemination of intellectual works produced at West Virginia University. On behalf of the law school and the law faculty, the law library manages content including faculty scholarship.  The law library will archive the final published version of law faculty scholarship in the repository and manage all associated copyright permissions issues.


ORCiD is a unique, persistent identifier used by scholars and researchers in all disciplines to distinguish authors, definitively attribute scholarship to the author, and resolve name ambiguities.

For interdisciplinary scholars, ORCiD makes it easier to track scholarship across all subject areas, as well as multiple formats, not just journal publications. It is increasingly common for ORCiD to be integrated into the author metadata of other platforms like HeinOnline, SSRN, institutional repositories, and Scholastica.

While the Law Library cannot register for ORCiD on your behalf we are available to advise and support law faculty members who choose to do so.  There are administrative tools available to allow the Law Library to assist you in maintaining your profile after its initial set up.  A guide for registering for ORCiD is linked below.

All authors with scholarship in HeinOnline collections have an author profile.  Authors may claim their profiles, add bibliographic and professional details, resolve name ambiguities, and confirm their works are property attributed. The Law Library has administrative access to claimed profiles and can facilitate profile revisions and customizations. Learn more about HeinOnline author profiles


A Google Scholar profile allows you to curate the list of scholarship attributed to you by Google Scholar. Profiles that match Google Scholar search results appear at the top of the first page of results. You may choose settings to allow Google Scholar to update your profile with new publications automatically or update manually. Keep track of citation metrics using popular indices and identify citations to scholarship in other publications.

Scholars must verify their identity with a .edu email address.

While the Law Library cannot maintain a Google Scholar profile on your behalf, we are available to advise and support law faculty members who choose to create a profile. A guide for creating a Google Scholar profile is linked below.  FAQ is also available here: