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Ask A Librarian

Physical Geography

This guide is to accompany / supplement library instruction for Geog 107.

Finding a Scholarly Article

In the examples on the previous page, "Scholarly from Popular", the popular articles provided good enough citations to easily find the scholarly articles they were written about. But, unfortunately, it's not always that easy. Let's take a look at another article.

The above article is from Thomas Reuters, a large news organization that allows smaller publications or stations to reuse their stories. So an article like this would get lots of reach, despite the fact that it's relatively short, and doesn't provide a full citation to the study they are referencing. However, they do provide us with some useful information.

This sentence in particular, "But the study, published this week in Environmental Research Letters, a scientific journal...", we are given a journal title. A little further along, we also get this, "...Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, a senior researcher at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and the study's lead author...", which provides us with an author, and possibly the funding organization or research institution for the original article. We don't need that for this particular example, but it's something to keep in mind.

So we have a journal, Environmental Research Letters, and an author, Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, what can we do with that information?

Given what we have, I would recommend Google Scholar, which is the smaller box on the left, or Browzine, which I have linked below. In Browzine, you can search the title of the journal, and given that we have the specific title, it will be the first result. When you click on that, you will see something like this:

The page for "Environmental Research Letters" in Browzine

If you are feeling brave, you can browse through the journal on that page. Based on the article being published in December, 2017, we can assume the scholarly article was published in late 2017 as well. So you could click 2017 in the list of years, and start looking through the articles, and you will be able to find it that way.

However, I would recommend instead clicking on any of the articles on that page. That will bring you to the journal's specific website, which has some more in depth search options we can use. Once you are on the journal's website, look for the magnifying glass near the top of the page. Most journal websites / databases will have something similar, or similar a button that says search, or a full search bar.

In that search bar, copy the author of the scholarly article. As you can see, the search automatically knows that we just want to search this specific journal. Some databases will have more advanced search options, but we can still easily find what we need from this:

When you hit the search button with that, it seems our author is fairly prolific for this specific journal, and we get 11 results. You could use the "refine your search" options on the left, but we don't get a lot of options there unfortunately, so we do have to do a bit of browsing. Always check the advanced search or refinement options when searching though, some databases and journals can get very in depth with them, and can save you lots of work!

Right away, the first result looks promising, "Corrigendum: Attribution of extreme rainfall from Hurricane Harvey, August 2017", however, a Corrigendum is a correction, so it's not the original research article, but if we click it, it does link back to the original article. Alternatively, you can go through the list and find the original article, it was the 8th result for me at the time of writing this. Either way, we get to the original article we are looking for, which I will link below. Normally, linking directly to an article is problematic, thankfully this article is "open access", which means anyone, anywhere, can read it.

BrowZine Search

Browzine is the libraries' service to search the ejournals that we have access to, without having to delve into a specific database to try to find it. You can use the box below to search Browzine, or the link below that to browse our collection, sorted by subject area.