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Feminist Theory and Your Research Assignments: Home

Here are some relevant sites to visit as you do your research assignments.

Databases of Note

To use the invisible web to get to feminist scholarship, in part you need licensed databases. The links below will take you to a description of the contents and scope of the database so you can see how far back they go and what they cover. From there click on Connect to the Database and check it out. There's more than scholarship included several of them. Grassroots publications are important in Women's Studies inquiry and research too.  Here are the databases I recommend for starters:


Special Issues of Periodicals

Meta Sites for Women's Studies

There are two amazing women creating accessibility to feminist information of all kinds by managing meta-websites to support women's studies. One is a librarian at the University of Wisconsin and the other is a retired faculty member from the University of Maryland Baltimore. I reccommend that you keep your eye on the work of both women by visiting these sites to see all that they offer. You won't be sorry. Feminist theory is one of many, many issues they highlight for researchers.

Phyllis Holman Weisbard

Dr. Joan Korenman

Digital Media

In the 2008 Horizon Report, there is an excellent introduction to data mash-ups and the article lists many interesting examples.

Experimenting with Search Engines

Feminist theory as a phrase can of course be Googled. Some interesting sites for browsing do come up. But sometimes other search engines can be helpful too. for example.Yippy sorts search results on the left side into groupings of a subject such as books, blogs, radical feminists, and gender politics to name a few.By clicking on these you cann look around at focussed results and this can sometimes provide helpful options.

Site of Special Note

Deveoped by reference librarian Kelly Diamond of the WVUL Downtown Campus Libraries, this site leads to many relevant information sources on sexuality and gender studies.