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WVU Libraries Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Resource Guide

Providing information on diversity, equity, and inclusion, including readings, resources, and program info. While not exhaustive, we intend this guide to be a starting point for further inquiry.


People of color are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. For a very brief overview, check out this article from Harvard Magazine:

To learn more, explore these sources about health inequity and the intersection with BLM and the current protests. 

Dimensions of Inequity

7 hexagons of varying colors. Center reads: Dimensions of Inequity. Outer hexagons in clockwise order beginning at the top read: Testing, treatment, and health outcomes; Lack of racial/ethnic testing data; Ability to socially distance; Housing and other social determinants; Racist narratives and stigma; Access to economic stimulus

Health Resources in Action (HRiA) have created a page of curated evidence and resources that evaluate this crisis through the lens of health and racial equity. Information is presented in easily digestible chunks, such as testing and treatment, the ability to socially distance, and access to economic stimulus. HRiA also includes Exemplary Leadership and Action Steps made by leaders in response to racist narratives, stigmas, and bias.

Source: COVID-19 and Dimensions of Health Inequity. (n.d.). Health Resource in Action. Retrieved June 4, 2020, from
