You already have an online identity, whether or not you realize it or want to have one. But while you can't choose whether or not to have an online identity, you can choose to manage and maintain it in a way that puts your best foot forward. Initially your online identity may consist of a page in a university directory or on a department's website, but it's likely that you have an online presence beyond this, whether it's personal, professional, or some combination of the two. To get an initial sense of your online identity, simply search for your name in Google. You can also try searching for your name plus the institution with which you're affiliated.
After reviewing your search results, it may be helpful to reflect on a few questions. What results are you getting? Are you showing up on the first page? What impression would someone have of you based upon those results? Does this match the impression you want people to form?
In thinking through these questions, your goal should be to get a clearer sense of what your goals are with respect to your online identity. It may also be beneficial to search the names of other scholars in your field. How does your online presence compare to theirs?
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a persistent unique identifier that helps to distinguish you from other researchers, especially those who share your name. It also helps ensure that you get credit for all the work you do throughout your career, regardless of changes in name, career, location, discipline, or other factors. Registering for an ORCID is free. ORCID is not for profit, your data is not sold, and you have full control over your data and privacy.
ORCID records display information about employment, education, publications, funding, and other details related to your research. ORCID give you the option to link your record to trusted organizations, which enables them to update your records for you, for example, by adding new publications.
Funding agencies and publishers are more beginning to require ORCID IDs with manuscript submissions or funding proposals, but even when not required, linking to your ORICD can ensure that your work and contributions will be accurately attributed to you.
Online Scholar Profiles allow you to showcase your research, connect with others in your field, and develop your reputation within your field and across the scholarly community. Some of the most popular profile platforms are listed below.