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Getting Started with Mendeley: Mendeley Data

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. You can use it to collect references and the associated PDFs, when the PDF is avai

What is Mendeley Data?


        Mendeley Data is an open research data repository, where researchers can upload and share their research data. Datasets can be shared privately amongst individuals, as well as published to share with the world. Sharing research data is important for science as it enables data reuse and supports reproducibility of studies. Sharing data is also a fantastic way for you as a researcher, to gain exposure for your research outputs, as every dataset has a DOI and can be cited.

Why Should I Share My Data?


  There are many benefits when data is made publicly available. Other researchers can review the data, increasing transparency and confidence in your findings. Having access to data makes it more likely other scientists can reproduce and validate your research. Furthermore, they may be able to reuse the data in their own research, accelerating the pace of discovery, and citing and attributing you so you receive credit.

What are the requirements for Mendeley Data datasets?


Datasets must be given a title, description and at least one named contributor. You can upload files of any format, up to a maximum of 10GB per dataset.
Datasets must be:
- scientific in nature
- research data - i.e. raw or processed experimental or observational data, rather than the narrative research article, which may have resulted from the research
Datasets must not:
- have already been published, and therefore already possessing a DOI
- contain executable files or archives that are not accompanied by individually detailed file descriptions.
- contain copyrighted content (audio, video, image, etc) to which you do not own the copyright
- contain sensitive information (for example, but not limited to: patient details, dates of birth etc.)
If you spot a dataset that you think doesn’t meet our requirements, you can flag it by clicking the “report” button on the dataset.

Publishing My Data



1. Register/log in to Mendeley Data.
2. Click “New dataset”.
3.Upload data files.
4. Add metadata (including Title, Description and Contributors) for the dataset.
5. Save (don’t publish yet unless you’re ready for it to go public).
6. Hit Publish