Use the following databases for searching older patents for WVU Patrons. 19th Century Masterfile is an index from 1790-1873. LexisNexis has used an OCR program to create fulltext files for older patents. Letters in older handwriting sometimes are recognized as different letters. Often the first intial of first name proceeds the last name.
The PTRCA is the professional organization for Patent and Trademark Resource Center Librarians.
The Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association (PTRCA) has Historical Patent and Trademark Databases available in Excel format. They were orginally created by Jim Shaw and supplemented by various librarians. Additionally, there are links to Haithi Trust fulltext indexes.
Patent It Yourself, 17th ed. KF3114.85 .P74 2014
Patent, Copyright & Trademark KF2980.E44 2014
Nolo's Patents for Beginners KF3114.85 .P737 2012
Patent Pending in 24 Hours KF3120 .Z9 S75 2013
Profit from Your Idea KF3145.Z9S75 2010
Trademark: legal care for your business & product name KF3180.Z9E43 2013 or as an eBook
Nondisclosure Agreements KF3197.Z9S75 2001
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) KF3120.A39 8th ed.rev. 2010 available online and searchable
Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) T223.V15 2007 available online
The Inventor's Bible HF5415.I53 .D63 2004
Black's Law Dictionary KF 156.B53 2004