Guide Type Conventions
Subject Guide
Definition: a guide for a degree-seeking academic department, clinical department, research center, or subject at West Virginia University or other specific patron group that the WVU Libraries serve which provides general guidance and/or resources necessary for performing research in the subject area.
Nomenclature: name of the subject only. Do not include additional language in the name of the guide, including words like guide or research guide.
Description: starting point for your research in . Use this guide to locate resources for your field of study.
Tag Suggestions: name of subject
Course Guide
Definition: a guide that provides guidance and/or resources to support teaching and research needs of a credit-bearing course at West Virginia University.
- Nomenclature: Course Code: Name of Course (as it appears in STAR)
- Example: POLS 345: Electoral Systems and Parties
- Description: Guidance and resources for students in [Course Code: Name of Course] during the [Fall/Spring] semester of [Year].
- Tag Suggestions: course code with section code, semester, year, course instructor name
Citation Guide
Definition: A guide that provides guidance and/or resources on citation styles or formats, citation managers, and library instruction or services related to citation.
- Nomenclature: name of citation style or citation manager. If possible, refrain from using guide, subject guide, or research guide in the name of the guide.
- Types of guides: Citation Guides, Citation Managers, Workshop Instruction
- Description: This guide is designed to provide [guidance, resources, information] on [topic, tool, etc.]
- Tag Suggestions: name of citation style, name of citation manager
Other Guide
Definition: A guide that provides guidance and/or resources on a topic, tool, workshop, collection or research area that is not generally considered to be an academic department, program, or credit-bearing course
- Nomenclature: name of service or collection. If possible, refrain from using guide, subject guide, or research guide in the name of the guide.
- Types of guides: Digitization Lab, Student Lounge, Native American Collections at the WVRHC, , Workshop Instruction
- Description: This guide is designed to provide [guidance, resources, information] on [topic, tool, collection, etc.]
- Tag Suggestions: name of service or collection, location of service or collection