United States Patent & Trademark Office http://www.uspto.gov
espacenet http://worldwide.espacenet.com/
Canadian Intellectual Property Office http://cipo.gc.ca/
Japanese Patent Office http://www.jpo.go.jp/
World Intellectual Property Organization http://www.wipo.org and Patentscope
Google Patents http://patents.google.com
Freepatentsonline http://www.freepatentsonline.com/
These specialized databases contain patent information
SciFinder Scholar (WVU users only)
Use Chemical Abstracts to seach for chemical patents and limit to patents.
Specialized FDA database for Drug Patents and the extension of their terms.
This YouTube playlist,Searching Patents using Classification, was created to assist you in learning how to search patents. Most are less than 2 minutes. For further assistance contact Marian Armour-Gemmen.