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Policy and Legislative Resources | West Virginia

This guide is designed to provide guidance on West Virginia Legislative resources.

Bills and Resolutions

A bill is the form used for most legislation, whether permanent or temporary, general or special, public or private. Bills are presented to the governor for action when approved by a majority in identical form by both the House of Delegates and the Senate.

Session Laws

Session laws are the generic name used for the legislation enacted during a session of a legislature. Session Laws also include special and private acts that never become part of the codified laws.

West Virginia Code

Codification of all laws of a general and permanent nature, as enacted by the West Virginia Legislature.

Searching the Catalog

The WVU catalog and the digitized collection repository, Hathitrust, are effective ways of locating current and historic legislative materials that the library provides access to. The best way to search the catalog for this information is to use the catalog's subject search.

  • LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS--[name of state]
  • LAW--[name of state]
  • BILLS, LEGISLATIVE--[name of state]
  • SESSION LAWS--[name of state]