Use the West Virginia Library Commission Library Directory Map to locate your local public library. Use the catalogue from your local library to search for books - ask your local librarian for help if you need it!
**Be sure to note if your local library is open during the COVID-19 pandemic. They may have limited hours or may only be doing curbside collection.**
Use the following websites to locate articles on your topic:
It's also a good idea to check what additional databases may be available through your local library.
Peruse the Appalachian Bibliography for books and journal articles on Appalachia. The bibliography is organized by subject and will help guide you to secondary sources you can look for at your local library.
It is important that you cite the material you use in your project! The librarians at WVU have put together a guide for citations, which includes information on different citation styles, as well as links to citation managers and generators.
Appalachian English (dictionary)
Includes an online Dictionary of Southern Appalachian English, MP3 sound transcripts of native speakers, annotated bibliography, full-text articles, and links to other sites.
e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia
Charleston: West Virginia Humanities Council, 2010-- .
Thousands of articles on WV’s people and places, history, arts, science and culture.
Encyclopedia of Alabama
Birmingham: Alabama Humanities Foundation.
The New Georgia Encyclopedia
Athens: Georgia Humanities Council and the University of Georgia Press.
“Articles, images, sound, and moving image material as well as links to other Web sites related to the history, culture, and life of the state.” Includes a link to the Digital Library of Georgia [primary sources].
Raleigh: State Library of North Carolina.
7,000 articles and 7,400 images. Browse by topic, location, image.
Ohio History Central: An Online Encyclopedia of Ohio History
Columbus: Ohio Historical Society.
Indexed by location (Southeast Ohio), topic, media, time period, category.
Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.
Search by category, image gallery, media gallery, map gallery.
Encyclopedia Virginia
Charlottesville: Virginia Foundation for the Humanities.