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Law Library Services for West Virginia Attorneys



Litigation and Precedent Analytics 

  • Launched in July 2018, enhanced with Precedent Analytics in January 2019.
  • Advertised as a tool to help you gain insight into the cases and courts that judges rely on most often, to help you anticipate the results of a case, and expected timelines in a case. 
  • Analytics at the Court level not available for WV state jurisdictions.  Analytics are available for individual judges.

  • Mines court and docket data to provide empirical information on judges, courts, attorney, law firms, and case types.
  • Reveals citation patterns of individual judges including the cases, courts, judges, and citation language they rely on in deciding legal issues.  It also shows the frequency with which judges have dealt with different issues.
  • Tool available to Westlaw Edge subscribers



Quick Check

  • Launched in July 2019.
  • Update an older brief, final check before submission, examine opponent briefs or submissions.
  • Documents encrypted at upload and not saved by Westlaw.

  • Report identifies Keycite flags for cited authority.
  • Recommends authority not otherwise cited, identifies potential weaknesses.
  • Generates a table of authorities.



Statutes and Regulations Compare 

  • Statutes Compare launched in July 2018.  Regulations Compare launched in July 2019.
  • Instantly shows redlined statutes and codes comparing versions of the law.

  • Choose to compare any two versions of the code in Westlaw’s archive.