Like most research, a literature review isn't precisely linear, but there are general steps to follow.
1) Define the Scope of Your Literature Review
How many sources do you need?
What types of sources do you need?
Only scholarly articles?
Do you need background sources?
What parameters are appropriate for your topic?
Time span
Geographical coverage
Major Figure(s)
Foundational Text(s)
2) Identify and Select Relevant Research
See the Advanced Searching for the Literature Review tab for detailed suggestions. Most importantly, a consultation with the subject librarian can be extremely helpful at this stage. Find your subject librarian contact information here.
3) Organize & Analyze Your Results
There is no one right way to organize your work, but here are some of the strategies:
Easier said than done, of course, but see the Writing the Literature Review tab for tips. And don't forget the WVU Writing Studio is available for consultation.