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Copyright and Open License for Open Educational Resources

Copyright and Open License Information

Copyright and Open License

Copyright is not a new concept.  In fact, the framers of the US Constitution included copyright in article 1, section 8 of the Constitution when they wrote, "The Congress shall have Power To ...promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries"

None of those people, however, could ever have imagined what technological changes would occur in the next 250 years that would affect how people share information and challenge how copyright works.  The ability to easily copy, download, digitize, mix, mash-up, edit, and all the other options available through technology have all added wrinkles to how copyright is interpreted and enforced.  Many believe that copyright law is out of date and in need of revision.

Open Licenses provide a means for document/ objects to specifies what can and cannot be done with a work. It grants permissions and states restrictions. Broadly speaking, an open license is one that grants permission to access, re-use and redistribute a work with few or no restrictions (definition from 

Please see the diagram below to see the difference between all rights reserved copyrights and open license



What is an Open License