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Civil & Environmental Engineering: Managing Information

Resources for civil & environmental engineering students and faculty.

WVU Libraries Plagiarism Quiz

You can watch this tutorial, which covers plagiarism basics and some finer points as well,  and then take the quiz as a guest. 

TurnItIn (eCampus)

TurnItIn in eCampus (you must sign in)
A site for Instructors and students. Instructors can set up a course so that students can pre-screen their papers for plagiarism and instructors can check for it too. Assignments are turned in through the Turnitin program, automatically providing these services, provided by WVU. Plenty of support is available under the WVU eCampus Support tab.

Route 30 Bridge

Route 30 Bridge

Route 30 Bridge.  Used under Creative Commons by dougtone


It is important to document where you get your information from.  You do this by creating references, or citations.  Follow formatting guidelines provided by your instructor.  Styles for creating references include APA, Chicago, MLA. 

WVU Libraries subscribes to some tools that can assist you in preparing your bibliography.

Citing your sources helps you to avoid plagiarism.  The Oxford English Dictionary defines plagiarism as "The action or practice of taking someone else's work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one's own; literary theft." WVU's Student Code of Conduct in Section 6.2.u (page 19) specifically warns against plagiarism.

Manage your Citations

EndNoteWeb Tutorial

For additional tutorials, please visit the EndNoteWeb tutorials page. Note: 

We subscribe to the ISI Web Of Knowledge.

Patent & Trademark Librarian

Profile Photo
Martin Dunlap
Po Box 6105
Social: Twitter Page
Subjects: Engineering

Waterfalls Douglas Falls Thomas WV

Waterfalls Douglas Falls Thomas WV

Image used by permission from